In this post we explore how Terraform was used to deploy the application to the cloud.
The cloud of choice was Azure:
This is mainly because I will be integrating with PlayFab services also, but other two great options are:
- AWS:
- Google cloud:
Using Terraform to deploy our services
What IS terraform?
Infrastructure automation to provision and manage resources in any cloud or data center.
I use terraform so that if decide to switch cloud provider in future, it shouldn’t be overly complicated to do so.
The github project contains a README doc for the terraform part:
What are the core components that we’re trying to spawn?
- mongo db
- kafka
- redis
- application vm
We will also need several other things, such as container registries and load balancers, which will be handled below.
Getting started
First of all, we created the
file which will define all the connections that we’ll need, such as providers and API login info.
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
subscription_id = var.azure_subscription_id
client_id = var.azure_client_id
client_secret = var.azure_client_secret
tenant_id = var.azure_tenant_id
provider "kubernetes" {
host = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].host
username = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].username
password = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].password
client_certificate = base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].client_certificate)
client_key = base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].client_key)
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].cluster_ca_certificate)
variable "azure_subscription_id" {
description = "Subscription for azure"
type = string
variable "azure_client_id" {
description = "Client/App ID"
type = string
variable "azure_client_secret" {
description = "Client Secret / Password"
type = string
variable "azure_tenant_id" {
description = "Tenant ID"
type = string
Here you can see that it references Azure, so I need to provide the Azure credentials.
I store the parameter actual values in a file called terraform.tfvars
This file is NOT in the repository as it contains sensitive information.

Enter your credentials like this:

You may also store them in env variables, which would be even better. For me this is test envs, so its not an issue.
Getting the credentials
As you can see, we will need to get 4 pieces of information. First you need to register with Azure and login.
I’d suggest you create a new subscription like I have to use for the project:

In order to create a new subscription, Navigate to Subscriptions and click ‘Add’ like below

Once you created it, you can find the Subscription ID here (see screenshot above).
This is your first bit of information.
Next, you will want to create a new IAM role for your terraform to create the resources with.
In order to do that, you will need to execute a command in CLI, after installing az:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "<service-principal-name>" --role="Owner" --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription-id>"
change the <service-principal-name>
to something of your choice, e.g. mine was open-mmo-principal or similar.
Replace <subscription-id>
from your previous step. This will create a role and provide you the other credentials you need, including:
- client_id
- client_secret (will be referred to as password)
- tenant id
If you don’t have az installed on your machine, follow instructions here:
Populate all of these values to terraform.tfvars
note that the IAM role is created with: --role="Owner"
Contributor role is almost enough, but it will have issues with adding permissions between acr and aks, therefore I upgraded it to owner.
Creating AKS (Azure Kubernetes Cluster)
Now we gone over the and credentials in terraform.tfvars. Next, let’s check our AKS. This is found in
resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "main" {
name = "myAKSCluster"
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
resource_group_name =
dns_prefix = "myakscluster"
default_node_pool {
name = "default"
node_count = 1
vm_size = "Standard_B2s"
identity {
type = "SystemAssigned"
tags = {
environment = "production"
resource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr" {
name = "openmmoregistry"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
sku = "Basic"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "acrpull" {
scope =
role_definition_name = "ACRPull"
principal_id = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kubelet_identity[0].object_id
output "client_certificate" {
value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config[0].client_certificate
sensitive = true
output "kube_config" {
value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.kube_config_raw
sensitive = true
This creates the kubernetes cluster for us: "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "main"
. It will have a name of myAKSCluster
Location (region) is defined in
and will create the resource group where we will spawn our resources.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "main" {
name = "myGameResourceGroup"
location = "UK South"
Change the location to what will be close to you.
My AKS has a vm size of: vm_size = "Standard_B2s"
Change this to your requirements, there is a limitation of requiring relatively large vm size here, so I chose Standard B2s for mine, but there may be more suitable ones.
If you require IPv6, like I perhaps will, you will also need to add network_profile
and a Standard load balancer, instead of Basic which mine will be configured to.
I keep it as basic to reduce costs.
Azure container registry
Part of the you will notice there is a resource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr" {
This is a container registry which will hold our docker images for our main application.
In order to give our cluster access to it, you will need to provide it necessary pull roles:
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "acrpull" {
Note that the IAM role with which terraform executes the commands with will require Owner privileges. I was stuck here for a while as I originally created it under Contributor role.
output "kube_config" {
will provide us with k8 credentials to use locally.
Adding mongo db config
This can be found in
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "mongo" {
metadata {
name = "mongo-pv"
spec {
capacity = {
storage = "1Gi"
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
persistent_volume_source {
host_path {
path = "/mnt/data/mongo"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "mongo" {
metadata {
name = "mongo-pvc"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
resources {
requests = {
storage = "1Gi"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_service" "mongo" {
metadata {
name = "mongo-service"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
selector = {
app = "mongo"
port {
port = 27017
target_port = 27017
type = "ClusterIP"
The first 2 blocks:
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "mongo"
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "mongo"
Will configure the storage options for mongo. The next block, resource "kubernetes_service" "mongo"
will expose it as a service for us to use.
The deployment of mongo occurs in The specific part is:
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "mongo" {
metadata {
name = "mongo"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "mongo"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "mongo"
spec {
container {
name = "mongo"
image = "mongo:latest"
port {
container_port = 27017
env {
value = "mongo_mmo_server"
env {
value = "mongo_password"
Here you can define the env vars used by the image, which includes things like mongo username and password. You can reference them from and add them to your local env variables or terraform.tfvars also.
Adding Redis config
Redis config can be found in
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "redis" {
metadata {
name = "redis-pv"
spec {
capacity = {
storage = "1Gi"
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
persistent_volume_source {
host_path {
path = "/mnt/data/redis"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "redis" {
metadata {
name = "redis-pvc"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
resources {
requests = {
storage = "1Gi"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_service" "redis" {
metadata {
name = "redis"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
selector = {
app = "redis"
port {
port = 6379
target_port = 6379
type = "ClusterIP"
Similar to mongo, this file manages the storage for redis.
It also exposes the service for us to use in our app.
Like mongo, the deployment of it occurs in
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "redis" {
metadata {
name = "redis"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "redis"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "redis"
spec {
container {
name = "redis"
image = "redis:latest"
port {
container_port = 6379
command = ["redis-server", "--save", "20", "1", "--loglevel", "warning"]
volume_mount {
name = "redis-data"
mount_path = "/data"
volume {
name = "redis-data"
empty_dir {}
Adding Zookeeper config
Zookeeper is required for Kafka. The relevant config can be found in
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "zookeeper" {
metadata {
name = "zookeeper-pv"
spec {
capacity = {
storage = "1Gi"
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
persistent_volume_source {
host_path {
path = "/mnt/data/zookeeper"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "zookeeper" {
metadata {
name = "zookeeper-pvc"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
resources {
requests = {
storage = "1Gi"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_service" "zookeeper" {
metadata {
name = "zookeeper"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
selector = {
app = "zookeeper"
port {
port = 2181
target_port = 2181
type = "ClusterIP"
You can see its following a pattern, we define the storage options and service here and the deployment will again occur in
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "zookeeper" {
metadata {
name = "zookeeper"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "zookeeper"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "zookeeper"
spec {
container {
name = "zookeeper"
image = "confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest"
port {
container_port = 2181
env {
value = "2181"
env {
value = "2000"
volume_mount {
name = "zookeeper-data"
mount_path = "/var/lib/zookeeper"
volume {
name = "zookeeper-data"
empty_dir {}
Adding Kafka config
Kafka config can be found in I was planning to have SASL_PLAINTEXT
enabled, however I had some issues with this so I will just have it as PLAINTEXT for now and will add SASL a bit later to unblock my deployments for now.
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "kafka" {
metadata {
name = "kafka-pv"
spec {
capacity = {
storage = "1Gi"
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
persistent_volume_source {
host_path {
path = "/mnt/data/kafka"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "kafka" {
metadata {
name = "kafka-pvc"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
resources {
requests = {
storage = "1Gi"
storage_class_name = "manual"
resource "kubernetes_config_map" "kafka_config" {
metadata {
name = "kafka-config"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
data = {
server_properties = <<-EOT
# Define listeners
# Enable PLAINTEXT security protocol (no SASL)
# Logging configuration
resource "kubernetes_service" "kafka" {
metadata {
name = "kafka-broker"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
selector = {
app = "kafka"
port {
name = "plaintext"
port = 9092
target_port = 9092
port {
name = "sasl-plaintext"
port = 9093
target_port = 9093
type = "ClusterIP"
resource "kubernetes_config_map" "kafka_config"
should include additional configurations that may be required to configure SASL.
The deployment of it occurs in
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "kafka" {
metadata {
name = "kafka"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "kafka"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "kafka"
spec {
container {
name = "kafka-broker"
image = "confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest"
env {
value = "1"
env {
value = "zookeeper:2181"
env {
value = "PLAINTEXT://kafka-broker:9092"
env {
env {
value = "PLAINTEXT"
env {
value = "PLAIN"
env {
value = "true"
env {
value = "PLAIN"
env {
value = "1"
env {
value = "1"
env {
value = "2"
env {
value = "1"
volume_mount {
name = "kafka-config"
mount_path = "/etc/kafka/configs/"
sub_path = "server_properties"
volume {
name = "kafka-config"
config_map {
name = kubernetes_config_map.kafka_config.metadata[0].name
Again, I removed the SASL config from above as there was some issues with it, but I will look to add it back, worth cross referencing with repository code to see if its updated.
Also note that it has to be configured in line with Zookeeper to ensure they both have connections to each other.
Application VM config
My Java (Micronaut) application will also require deployment. This config can be found in
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "micronaut_vm" {
name = "micronaut-vm"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
size = "Standard_B2s"
admin_username = "azureuser"
admin_password = "Password1234!"
disable_password_authentication = false
network_interface_ids = [,
os_disk {
caching = "ReadWrite"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
source_image_reference {
publisher = "Canonical"
offer = "UbuntuServer"
sku = "18.04-LTS"
version = "latest"
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "micronaut_pip" {
name = "micronaut-pip"
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
resource_group_name =
allocation_method = "Static"
sku = "Basic"
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
ip_version = "IPv4" # You can duplicate this block for IPv6 or use "IPv4" and "IPv6" if available
resource "kubernetes_service" "micronaut_service" {
metadata {
name = "micronaut-service"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
spec {
selector = {
app = kubernetes_deployment.micronaut_vm.metadata[0].labels["app"]
type = "LoadBalancer"
external_traffic_policy = "Local"
ip_families = ["IPv4"]
ip_family_policy = "SingleStack"
port {
name = "main"
port = 80 # External port to expose the service
target_port = 8081 # Internal port of the Micronaut app
port {
name = "udp-9876"
port = 9876
target_port = 9876
protocol = "UDP"
# Add the range for receiving updates over UDP ports 5000-5010
port {
name = "udp-5000"
port = 5000
target_port = 5000
protocol = "UDP"
I removed config for IPv6 (commented out in code) which works, but it incurs additional costs due to setup. If you’re interested in that, check the repository.
Some interesting points to make here:
sku = "Basic"
-> this will refer to the load balancer used. Standard will be required for things like ipv6ip_family_policy = "SingleStack"
will be required for ipv6port {
entries are required to specify the ports that we will be using to communicate with our client
The deployment will be handled again in
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "micronaut_vm" {
metadata {
name = "mmo-server"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
labels = {
app = "mmo-server"
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "mmo-server"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "mmo-server"
spec {
container {
name = "mmo-server"
image = ""
image_pull_policy = "Always"
port {
container_port = 8081
Points of interest:
-> this should point to your container registry, in my caseopenmmoregistry
as defined inresource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr"
in aks.tfcontainer_port = 8081
-> This is defined in my application.yml file, as my server port is 8081image_pull_policy = "Always"
-> this ensures it will always pull latest image, useful when I delete pod and expect it to update on restart
Networking is defined in – the public ip was actually defined in the
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
name = "micronaut-vnet"
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
resource_group_name =
address_space = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "subnet" {
name = "micronaut-subnet"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "nic" {
name = "nic-micronaut"
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
resource_group_name =
ip_configuration {
name = "internal"
subnet_id =
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_address_id =
primary = true
Applying terraform and deploying the app
We’ve now referenced ALL the terraform configs so we’re ready to start deploying the resources.
Before we apply all of this, we should set replicas of all pods to 0. This is because we haven’t actually built our application and made it ready for the deploys.
So what we want to do is:
- Go to and find all
replicas = 1
- Replace it to
replicas = 0
This will not spawn the pods, which we want because we haven’t prepared the image to use yet.
After setting replicas to 0, we’re ready to execute:
terraform apply
Kubectl configuration and setup
After terraform apply has applied, you will want to get credentials required to execute kubernetes commands, you can do this with:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource_group> --name <aks-cluster-name>
in my case this equates to:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myGameResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
Useful commands for further debugging in steps below:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
-> lists all active podskubectl logs -f <pod_name> -n main
-> Get logs and follow them (namespace in my case ismain
-> change it to your namespace if differentkubectl get svc -n main
-> list all services in main namespace, change it if different. This will provide you external IPs that you need to map to your clientskubectl describe configmap kafka-config -n main
-> get config map for kafka, when in main namespace
Preparing your application configs for build
I want to enable my application to work under both, local setup and deployed setup.
You can find the configurations that your Java application uses in application.yml.
My application.yml can be found here:
First point of interest:
name: mmo_server
port: 8081
You can see that the application runs on port 8081. This was important in
next part is linking Kafka:
processing.guarantee: "exactly_once"
auto.offset.reset: "earliest"
servers: kafka-broker:9092
protocol: PLAINTEXT
# sasl:
# mechanism: PLAIN
# jaas:
# config: required username="kafka" password="password123";
servers: kafka-broker:9092
Note that I’ve temporarily disabled SASL and instead of an IP, I reference: kafka-broker
This matches:
resource "kubernetes_service" "kafka" {
metadata {
name = "kafka-broker"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
from and
spec {
container {
name = "kafka-broker"
image = "confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest"
from resource "kubernetes_deployment" "kafka"
The service is the key one as that’s how k8s is able to resolve the IP.
Next is mongo db:
# Set username/password as env vars
uri: mongodb://mongo_mmo_server:mongo_password@mongo-service:27017/mmo_server?authSource=admin
Again, this matches the mongo service in
resource "kubernetes_service" "mongo" {
metadata {
name = "mongo-service"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
And finally its redis:
uri: redis://redis
which matches the service in
resource "kubernetes_service" "redis" {
metadata {
name = "redis"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.main.metadata[0].name
Adjusting local docker to work with server
I want my build to work locally too. I previously referred to the local IPs (localhost/ for services like mongo, redis and kafka.
I have a docker-compose.yml file for local setup of these services.
container_name: mongo-service
container_name: redis
container_name: kafka-broker
I thought Windows would be able to derive the IPs using the container names from Docker – perhaps this is still the case in Mac and other systems, but it wasn’t the case for Windows for me (or I done it wrong).
To resolve the IPs manually, I edited the hosts file and you can do this as a workarounds on other systems too.
In Windows to do this, you need to edit the file in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.file
and add these entries: redis mongo-service kafka-broker
the names need to match your configurations in application.yml.
This simply resolves those services to localhost.
Building and deploying the app to Azure
Now we’re finally at the stage to build the app.
I assume you know how to get your jar file, but just in case, I can create it using assemble.
In my case, the command is ./gradlew assemble.
This will create the jar file in your build/libs by default.

Next, I want to copy/move it to another directory, where I will package it into a docker image.

The content in this Dockerfile is:
FROM openjdk:17-jdk-alpine
COPY ./mmo_server-0.8.2-all.jar /app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=12", "-jar", "/app.jar"]
This image is what will be used and executed in our VM.
It will use the Java 17 environment and copies the jar.
The entrypoint refers to what it will execute, I added:
because I have multiple schedulers and the default parallelism would have issues with the VMs I chose.
Now we can build and push this docker image to our container that we setup using Terraform in Azure.
Remember we created:
resource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr" {
name = "openmmoregistry"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.main.location
sku = "Basic"
The name above that we will use is: openmmoregistry.
The commands we will need to execute are:
docker build -t myapp/mmo-server .
docker tag myapp/mmo-server
docker push
You will need to have Docker authenticated with acr to allow this, in order to do this you may need to execute:
- docker logout
- az login
- az acr login --name openmmoregistry
- docker tag myapp/mmo-server
- docker push
Complete the deploy
Now we can go back to and if you set replicas = 0 on all resources, we can now update it to: replicas = 1.
After doing so, we just need to apply changes using terraform apply.
That’s it! The services should now be deployed and available for use.
Refer back to section: Kubectl configuration and setup to check some debugging commands to find pods and services. Services will provide the external IDs that you will need to use to integrate with your application.