In this post, we look at pushing our UE project to a remote repository for free. Unreal engine projects are large. Given their size, many platforms such as Github will charge you for storing your project with them.
I just found that Azure repository is free, so sharing the details here.
You can register and login to azure repositories here:

When starting for the first time, it will also prompt you to create a new project and a new repository, for which you just need to provide the names for.

After setting up, you should see the above screen.
Setting up SSH to interact with repository
SSH is the most common method of interacting with repositories. They create a secret key for your PC and a public key to upload to the repository. This deals with authenticating your machine with the repository. This is far better and easier than using http authentication each time.
In order to setup SSH, follow the doc here:
You will have to open up CLI and execute:
ssh-keygen -t rsa-sha2-256
When you created the key, you can find them here on your windows machine:
Next, you want to upload the key to Azure, you find it by going to permissions settings and selecting SSH public keys tab:

Uploading your project to the repository
Now we’re ready to upload the project to the repository. For this you want to have Git installed.
I will be using Git CLI to push the code.

Find your project folder and open Git Bash here.
You may need to do git init
and link the code to the repository using the commands provided in the UI:

The commands will change depending on your project/repo name, so copy it from there.

then depending on your config, you may need to add and commit all your relevant files, e.g.
git add .
git commit -am "committing all files"
the .
adds all your files to be tracked (outside the gitignore).
you will also need to push using:
git push --set-upstream origin master
and that’s it!
Your code is now going to be backed up on azure repository.