Unreal MMO Development with Yaz

About – Unreal Game dev with Yaz

Starting an mmo game from scratch

I’m Yaroslav and this blog will be documenting part of the journey of creating MMO games from scratch and deploying it using popular services, such as with AWS or Azure. The purpose is to try simplify the processed and understand the concepts required to create and publish games of this genre.

A lot of what is done here is mainly for educational purposes and to demystify what goes on under the hood of a web server.

There are many techniques for solving a problem and the methods outlined here are just one of the ways,

I’m a software developer and have been around code for more than10 years. I’ve experienced many languages, currently working predominantly with Java and Spring-boot on a micro-service architecture (almost entirely focused on back-end implementations).

I have however worked with C++ and C# with on-edge applications, then moved to work with Ruby + Javascript and Java.

The hobby project server code can be found here.

I also create YouTube videos covering a lot of the posts that can be found here:


My LinkedIn

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